Nathan Weidner Foundation Scholarship

Student must meet the following requirements: 1) Must be a current graduate of a Bay County high school or live in Bay County or was home schooled; 2) Preference for full-time students. Full-time is defined as enrolled as 12 credits or more per semester; 3) Must have a 2.0 grade point average in high school to receive the scholarship for the first year, and a 2.5 grade point average at Delta College to receive the scholarship for the second year. This will be determined when the students applies for the scholarship in the second year, so we can verify that they do have a 2.5 grade point average; 4) Preference for students who are not receiving a Pell grant; 5) Students will receive this scholarship last after other financial aid or other scholarships are used, so that the scholarship recipients do not receive a balance check and the scholarship dollars are only used for tuition, fees, and books.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you have special circumstances at home that make college expenses extremely difficult, such as, your parents make too much money for you to receive financial help from the government, but your parents will not assist with paying for college? if so, please explain in four sentences or less. If you have no special circumstances, please write none.